As a company we act for both developers and for a number of Local Authorities which places us in an ideal position to understand the complexities of financial viability from both opposing sides. This provides us with the knowledge to analyse developments in terms of their strengths and their weaknesses, allowing our reports to provide the most robust case possible.
Section 106 & Affordable Housing
We explore the nature of Section 106 obligations
Do you need help in providing a Viability Report to the Local Planning Authority?
Local Authorities
Do you have a developer's submission wanting to deviate from policy?
Do you feel that a developer's assessment does not reflect actual project viability?
Software & Guidance
We describe a number of software tools and references we utilise in order to undertake our assessments.
Roger Hannah have a wide range of experience in providing economic viability assessments for a variety of developments across the country. As surveyors, we have an extensive knowledge of how to effectively negotiate and plan proposals for reducing your section 106 costs or decrease affordable housing requirements.
We can help to turn your development from unviable to viable.
Ask the experts
Recent Case Studies
Excelsior Mill Sold to Mulbury Homes
Acting on behalf of the Site Owner Roger Hannah is delighted to have sold Excelsior Mill to Mulbury…
Public Space Contributions Removed to Bring Forward Scheme
Roger Hannah have recently been involved in ensuring that an Affordable Housing and Extra Care Scheme…
More Employment Land Release Success
Roger Hannah have been successful in releasing land from employment use at the former Briars Lane…