Building & Project Consultancy
School Successful in CIF Application
An Academy, had suffered with dampness within certain areas of the school due directly to the poor condition of their flat roofs. Historically they had local contractors attend site to patch-repair their roofs as best they could. The on-going cost of patch repairs to the flat roofs was becoming ineffective and uneconomical, not withstanding the directive of using school funds on pupils’ educational needs rather than leaking ceilings. Unfortunately, the option of refurbishing/replacing the roof was not an option due to the large capital expenditure required.
The Primary School Academy would also require professional support to design and tender the works, ensuring they would achieve a comprehensive approach and value for money, but regardless of these concerns, their first issue was how would they fund the works?
Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) was the answer!
The Primary School Academy contacted Roger Hannah for advice on where to start. After a brief qualifying discussion, we quickly went out to site and visited the school, surveyed the flat roof and provided initial advice of the CIF process over a cup of tea in their Staff Room. We advised they needed a strategy that would:
- Prevent water ingress
- Improve the thermal value of the building
- Save cost on heating bills
With the School now happy with their new supporting relationship, they commissioned Roger Hannah to navigate the bidding for funds through the CIF procedure.
We surveyed all affected roofs, undertaking a Condition Survey for each and producing three individual reports identifying the required ‘Need, Planning and Cost’ elements to achieve a successful bid.

In the spring of 2019, 3 months after the application for funds was registered, the Primary School Academy received direct notification from the ESFA that they were successful in the Bidding process and were to receive 100% of the funds that was requested.
Next Stage: Tender for Works
Knowing the funds were now available, our Building Consultancy team could progress, producing the tender documentation and approaching appropriate Contractors. On behalf of the Academy we then analysed the tender returns and provided a recommendation to the School all in time to start the construction works throughout the summer holidays. Once contracts were signed, we managed the project through to successful completion; including managing the Contractor on-site, cost and all aspects of health & Safety, to ensure the works were completed on-time and within budget.
Speaking of the successful project, Matthew Godwin of the Building Surveying team at Roger Hannah who leads in this area was delighted to comment:
From first speaking with the Finance Director and Head Teacher at the school nearly a year ago, it is wonderful to now be in the position where teachers and pupils are working in a safer environment as a direct result of our efforts. The condition of their flat roof was not unique in its problems, it had simply deteriorated over time as all flat roofs do. The funding available to schools to rectify maintenance issues such as this, is a lifeline for some Academies and Colleges that are forced to place their education budget elsewhere and have nowhere to turn.

If you would like to know if your Academy or College qualifies for the Condition Improvement Funds available, contact our professional team today for a non obligatory discussion.
For further information on the requirements and process of this Government Funding Scheme visit our dedicated page to CIF, or contact us directly on 0161 429 1670.
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