Roger Hannah, working in conjunction with Seddon Homes and Hourigan Connolly, has been successful in negotiating a reduction of the affordable housing contribution to zero on a housing scheme in Banks, West Lancashire. The scheme will provide 128 new homes and 10,000 square feet of B1 space at the former Greaves Hall hospital site.
Outline consent for residential and employment uses was granted in 2014 on the brownfield site, which has been vacant since the early 1990s. Since then, it has become clear that the site cannot support the full amount of affordable housing that is required by local planning policy.
Roger Hannah was brought on board to present an economic viability case to mitigate these requirements. After undertaking extensive market research and reviewing the proposed scheme, it was clear that the restrictions that the affordable housing provision placed on the development were too onerous and would jeopardise the delivery of the scheme. In light of these findings, it was agreed with the local authority that the affordable housing requirement would be lifted completely so as to guarantee a viable scheme that would assist in meeting the housing needs of the Borough.
Features of the scheme that helped secure a recommendation for approval by planning officers included a new car park for the local St. Stephen’s Primary School, the provision of footpaths and lighting to key local roads, and 7.4 acres of public open space.
Roger Hannah is well versed in undertaking viability assessments for both developers and local authorities, which places us in an ideal position to understand the complexities of financial viability from both opposing positions. This provides us with the knowledge to analyse developments in terms of their strengths and weaknesses, allowing our reports to provide the most robust case possible.
Should you have any questions regarding viability assessments or any other development matters please get in contact with the team.