Dinting, Glossop Site Achieves Planning with Zero Affordable Housing
Roger Hannah & Co, acting on behalf of a developer client, has been successful in negotiating a zero affordable housing requirement on a 20 unit residential scheme in Dinting, Glossop, through the submission of a detailed Economic Viability Appraisal.
A planning application was submitted in June 2016 for the construction of 20 houses, including two, three and four bed detached and semi-detached, with associated infrastructure and landscaping. Full details of the application can be found on High Peak Borough Council’s Planning Portal (Ref: HPK/2016/0224).
The previously greenfield site is within the established residential area of Higher Dinting and had been designated as countryside for many years before it received an allocation for housing by High Peak Council.
The site extends to 0.85 hectares (2.07 acres) and is shown below.

Please contact the Land and Development Team for more information.