2017 Business Rates Revaluation:
April 1, 2017 is a date that should be in every business’s diary. This date brings the new rating list into effect.
Hopefully, the revaluation will bring business rates into line with the prevailing economic climate. As the 2017 revaluation will be based on rental values, as of April 1, 2015, this is some seven years since rates were last assessed.
Until the results of the revaluation are revealed in autumn 2016, there’s “no knowing” what’s in store for business ratepayers and no way of budgeting precisely for the years ahead. It could be a nasty surprise for some; however, the business rates burden should be more fairly split from 2017 onwards, with struggling Northern retailers no longer subsidising London’s Regent Street.
How Roger Hannah & Co can help
In the wake of the last two revaluations, in 2005 and 2010, Roger Hannah & Co has saved UK businesses in excess of £10,000,000 through appeals. We have advised on properties of every type, from abandoned airfields to bingo halls, Café Bars and quarries, with a combined rateable value in excess of £1bn.
The Valuation Office is currently collecting evidence to undertake draft valuations; these will be prepared in March 2016, and the draft list of rated values will be published on September 30, 2016.
We’re planning to save money for even more businesses after the 2017 revaluation.
“To be forewarned is to be forearmed.”
Don’t delay; be prepared. Roger Hannah & Co. can provide a comprehensive audit of your properties business rates liabilities and potential 2017 value.
To register your interest in our services, contact our team.