• Calendar 13th November 2020

    Person Neil O'Brien


    The Department for Education has now announced the milestone dates for CIF applications for the years 2022–2022, and as noted in the table below, the timescales allow additional time to submit…

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  • Calendar 6th February 2020

    Person Neil O'Brien

    Dilapidations advice for tenants

    Tenants are already faced with substantial business premises occupancy costs such as rents and rates, and then, usually at the end of their occupational lease, they are…

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  • Calendar 20th January 2020

    Person Matthew Godwin

    10 year PPM on renowned 8 Acre Site

    Manchester High School for Girls (MHSG) is set over an 8-acre site consisting of open green fields and C12 buildings, all differing in forms of construction and style. The main buildings date as…

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  • Calendar 9th January 2020

    Person Matthew Godwin

    A Day in the Life of a CIF Bidding Surveyor

    September marks the start of the school year, and academies are getting their ducks in a row with very little mention of the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF). In October, we received a barrage of…

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  • Calendar 11th November 2019

    Person Neil O'Brien

    Forbidden Maybe – Advised Definitely

    Roger Hannah’s Building Consultancy team is proud to have delivered Pre-Acquisition Building Condition Surveys, negotiations for landlord works, Schedule of Condition, Defect Diagnosis, CDM,…

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  • Calendar 19th November 2018

    Person Roger Hannah

    Promotions of Angela Juszczyk & Steven Whittle

    We are delighted with the promotions of Angela Juszczyk and Steven Whittle.  Both are talented surveyors who deserve the promotion that they have achieved.  As a…

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  • Calendar 19th October 2018

    Person Steven Whittle

    What is a Jervis v Harris clause?

    The Jervis v. Harris clause stems from a prominent dilapidations court case in 1995. As a consequence of the court’s decision, most modern-day leases contain a self-help’ remedy for landlords…

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  • Calendar 14th September 2018

    Person Roger Hannah

    Further Expansion with the recruitment of Matthew Godwin

    Neil O’Brien, Director and Head of Building Consultancy, comments:

    “Roger and Hannah are pleased to announce the recruitment of Matthew Godwin to further expand the already highly experienced…

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  • Calendar 4th August 2017

    Person Roger Hannah

    What is an EPC

    An EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) is a guide to a building’s energy efficiency. The rating system rates a building on an ‘A – G’ rating, with ‘A’ being the most efficient and…

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