Roger Hannah

Modern Office Portfolio – Kent

Owned as an investment, we were engaged to undertake a capital allowances excercise on two modern office buildings in Kent measuring approx. 1,862.26 sq m (20,045 sq ft).  Both buildings represented historic purchases in excess of £1.85m.


Following our initial feasibility excercise, we were able to confirm that a capital allowances claim was available.  A survey was duly carried out of both properties and once assessed, circa £370,000 of capital allowances were identified.  This equates to circa £150,000 of tax benefit for the owner based on a 40% tax rate.

Head of Capital Allowances, commented, 'Despite one of the buidings having been purchased approx. 15 years ago, as no prior claim had been made, we were able to identify a healthy tax saving for the client both now and going forward.'

Please contact our Capital Allowances team for information and advice.

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