Modern Office Investment – Manchester
An uncomplicated capital allowances claim on a self-contained modern office building in Manchester held as an investment by the client. The property was acquired for circa £780,000 in 2010 and the capital allowances identified amounted to circa £230,000. This equates to a tax saving in the order of £92,000 over time based on an income tax rate of 40%.

The owner of the property had not been aware of the benefit of capital allowances despite having purchased the property a number of years ago.
Capital allowance claims on historic commercial property purchases are often not picked up and as demonstrated above, signficant tax savings are available.
Head of Capital Allowances, commented: ‘This case was a fairly straightforward capital allowances job assisted by the fact that the property had originally been purchased direct from a pension fund therefore making the capital allowances history easier to establish.’
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