Roger Hannah

Capital Allowances Identified on Dental Practice

71.2% of the Purchase Price identified as Capital Allowances.

Based on the findings of our site visit and using other historical information relating to the property, Roger Hannah valued the items of Plant & Machinery that were contained within the building at date of purchase.

As shown above, our client received a total tax saving of £151,128 as a result of a claim for Capital Allowances on the initial purchase price of the property and our due diligence findings that ensued.

Our comprehensive investigation identified a level of available capital allowances for our client amounting to 71.2% of the purchase price.

It is a Chartered Surveyor who provides the required factual documentation and appropriately identified figures, that are placed into the HMRC calculation, reasoning why accountants rarely provide this service internally.

To understand if you or your client’s are eligible for this specialist form of tax relief, please contact our Capital Allowances Team today for free consultation.

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