• Calendar 10th June 2015

    Person Roger Hannah

    Lease Advisory Service

    Using a lease advisory service can be of great benefit to both tenants and landlords, and our team of experts has over 25 years of experience to ensure that Roger Hannah & Co. is delivering the…

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  • Calendar 10th June 2015

    Person Roger Hannah

    Building consultancy Manchester

    If you’re looking for building consultancy in Manchester, then Roger Hannah & Co. can help, as our team has experience working on a wide range of projects that we can use to help with your…

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  • Calendar 10th June 2015

    Person Roger Hannah

    What is a party wall?

    A party wall divides two buildings that share a wall, with common examples being semi-detached or terraced houses. If you want to carry out any building work that impacts this wall or excavation…

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  • Calendar 10th June 2015

    Person Roger Hannah

    Do I need a building survey?

    When you’re considering buying a new property, there’s a question that will come up at some point: do I need a building survey? Depending on whom you ask, you’ll get a different answer, but…

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  • Calendar 7th May 2015

    Person Roger Hannah

    What are business rates?

    ‘What are business rates?’ is a common question, and while the answer is the same across the UK, the effect they have on your business will vary depending on the location. England and Wales use…

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  • Calendar 7th May 2015

    Person Roger Hannah

    What is a compulsory purchase order?

    Compulsory purchase orders can cause problems for a lot of people, homeowners, and businesses alike. They are usually produced when a development is deemed necessary in the space where a property…

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  • Calendar 7th May 2015

    Person Roger Hannah

    What Are Capital Allowances?

    Capital Allowances are a financially beneficial form of tax relief that is often missed. All commercial property will…

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  • Calendar 7th May 2015

    Person Roger Hannah

    Building Surveyors Manchester

    Building surveyors are an important part of buying and investing in a property. You need to make sure you have the best information to make the right decision on which property will best fulfil…

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  • Calendar 7th May 2015

    Person Roger Hannah

    Commercial property management Manchester

    If you’re looking for commercial property management in Manchester, then Roger Hannah & Co. can help. With a wealth of experience behind us, our teams are able to make sure your property is…

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