Roger Hannah

Chartered Surveyors Manchester

In general, before any redevelopments or building work takes place, it’s a good idea to have your land surveyed to ensure that it’s both stable and able to support property and to understand how your property needs to be built. At Roger Hannah & Co., we provide a range of high-standard chartered surveyors to help take the hassle out of having your survey completed.

Our highly trained chartered surveyors will work in an efficient manner to survey your property and identify any potential structural defects or problems that might arise throughout the construction process. Based on this information, we will then provide you with consulting advice in regards to the construction and development of your property, as well as any environmental issues that might be evident.

If you are looking to invest in a purchase or the development of property, then it’s important to ensure that your investment is well-spent, and at Roger Hannah & Co., we are here to help ensure that any property you purchase is a safe, sound, and reliable investment. 

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