The Brunswick Regeneration is a new initiative designed to revitalise Brunswick. The development will create new homes for sale and rent, along with new roads, shops, and an extra-care housing scheme. Some existing housing stock will be refurbished, while approximately 270 existing houses will be demolished.
If your home or business is affected, we can work with you to negotiate and agree on compensation. You may have already been contacted by Manchester City Council but it is important that you obtain independent professional advice. Our fees will be payable directly by the Council.
Roger Hannah & Co. are instructed to act on behalf of a number of residential and business owners whose properties are affected. As such, we are well placed to advise.
The Scheme
S4B, a brand-new company established specifically to revitalize Brunswick, will carry out the project. It’s a combination of organisations with a wide range of skills and a wealth of experience. The organisations involved include:
- Contour Homes: A not-for-profit housing association to manage council homes and look after the neighbourhood for the next 25 years.
- Mears: A maintenance company to refurbish council homes and carry out long-term repairs and maintenance.
- Galliford Try: A building company to build new homes for sale and rent.
- Equitix: Contract managers to make sure these organisations deliver a smooth service to local people.
For further information regarding the Brunswick Regeneration, please visit S4B’s website:
(Source: S4B)