• School Condition Allocations (SCA)

School Condition Allocations (SCA)

T: 0161 518 8671

E: education@roger-hannah.co.uk


At Roger Hannah we aim to make your School Condition Allocation (SCA) funding go further.  We help Multi Academy Trusts (MATs) that are eligible, to understand the most urgent needs across the estate and therefore create a good estate management plan.

Budgets are being stretched more than ever and therefore we assist MATs by planning in advance of the funding being provided, by undertaking Condition Surveys on estate buildings and grounds including services and systems, then preparing Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) schedules which include a costed budget over the next 5 to 10 years.

We ensure that we work closely with the Estates Management team to successfully tender and deliver projects with the least amount of impact on pupil’s learning experience.

Who is the funding for?

The Department for Education (DfE) allocates funding each year to help maintain and improve the condition of school buildings and grounds.  In any given financial year, eligible MATs can access funding through SCA, with funds paid for maintaining school buildings.


School condition funding is provided to Multi-Academy Trusts and VA bodies, but they must have met both eligibility criteria:

  • The Trust or VA body must have had 5 or more open schools at the start of September.
  • Those open schools (or their predecessor schools), must have had at least 3,000 pupils counted in the spring.


Roger Hannah will be your funding partner

As part of the process, we will consult with all schools to understand the level of information currently held and provide the Board / Trust with recommendations.  We will help to plan and maintain the Trust estate  in accordance with Good Estate Management Guidelines (GEMS).  The recommendations will include, but are certainly not limited to:


  • Building Condition Surveys leading into PPMs.

  • Measured Surveys.

  • Fire Risk Assessments.

  • Asbestos Management (if applicable).

  • Safeguarding Assessments.

  • Health & Safety Requirements.

  • Energy efficiency surveys.

  • Space utilisation surveys.

Project Delivery

All planned capital projects will be delivered so the Trust can maximise their School Condition Allocation by making considerations of the below:

  • Forward planning of projects to be timely and weather considerate. (Spread projects over the year).
  • Possible additional funding streams. (e.g. Salix or similar).
  • Forward thinking to mitigate risks and phasing of larger projects.
  • Economies of Scale where projects being delivered over a number of the schools in the Trust. (Batch projects).
  • Early procurement of the works. (Avoids the summer rush and CIF projects taking priority).
Guidance from The Department for Education

How can we help?

  • Our education lead is involved throughout the process and brings valuable experience of the process, and of collaborating with schools and Academies on all aspects of Good Estates Management.

  • We have an in-depth understanding of each process and can guide you through these, producing the required survey data and interpretation on your behalf, and using our experienced supply chain of Approved Contractors.

  • We help you to gather the crucial data and provide accurate project costings and programme information.

  • We manage successful projects with our resolute Project Management team.

  • We ensure that time, cost, quality, and risk are all managed throughout the project, minimising disruption to the Academy.

Key contacts

Neil O’Brien

  • Director

Steven Whittle

BSc (Hons) MSc MRICS
  • Director

Ricky Carr

BSc (Hons)
  • Surveyor

James Rowcroft

BSc (Hons) MRICS
  • Associate Director