Academies & Colleges

T: 0161 518 8671



At Roger Hannah we understand the pressures that schools face in ensuring their buildings are maintained and up to standard, not to mention their winder responsibilities to educate, safeguard and protect their pupils.

To help schools manage the weight of these responsibilities, Roger Hannah offers a wide range of services to help ensure adherence to relevant legislation and statutory guidance.

Our team of specialists are fluent in managing building projects of all sizes, whether were project managing new builds or overseeing the remodelling or refurbishment of existing buildings.

Through our experience in assisting schools, academies, MATs and more with their projects we are well-versed in minimising risk and disruption and have a proven track record of delivering projects effectively.

Condition Improvement Fund (CIF)

Roger Hannah has a dedicated Education Team in place with years of experience and a proven track record of achieving successful CIF applications with millions of pounds secured for our clients.

Let us help with your bid and we can provide FREE bid support for your Academy this year!

Guide to Condition Improvement Fund (CIF)
Roger Hannah

School Condition Allocations (SCA)

Roger Hannah has a resolute Education Team in place with years of experience and a proven record of delivering capital projects using SCA funding with millions of pounds worth of projects delivered year on year for our clients.

Let us help with your estates management regime and deliver successful projects on time, to the right quality and within budget. We can provide a FREE assessment of your Academy this year and establish the URGENT needs!

Guide to School Condition Allocations (SCA)

quote-marks Roger Hannah have supported us through some very complex building projects across our school estates. The team are professional and personable, ensuring projects are delivered on time and to a high standard. quote-marks

Kate Staples, Chief Operating Officer, Manor Hall Academy Trust

quote-marks I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Roger Hannah for their outstanding and supportive service. Although I joined this project towards the end, feedback and positive responses have been incredible. quote-marks

Alexandra Papanicola, Director of Operations, Connect Education Trust

Key contacts

Neil O’Brien

  • Director

Steven Whittle

BSc (Hons) MSc MRICS
  • Director

Ricky Carr

BSc (Hons)
  • Surveyor

James Rowcroft

BSc (Hons) MRICS
  • Associate Director