Roger Hannah

HS2 Phase 2b Announcement – Extension to Leeds and Manchester

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Today’s eagerly anticipated announcement relates to the confirmation of the route of Phase 2b.  Phase 2b will see the extension of the line from West Midlands to Leeds on the eastern leg and to Manchester on the western leg.

Whilst the preferred route of Phase 2b was safeguarded in November 2016, today’s announcement serves to remove any uncertainty regarding the actual fulfilment of the Phase 2b plans whilst providing absolute clarity concerning the government’s intentions for the project.

The announcement will see the following changes to the original proposals for Phase 2b:



In addition, the announcement provides clarity on the limits of the Rural Support Zone and the Homeowner Payment Zone in relation to the announced plans.

The announcement now provides potentially affected parties with the ability to identify if their property will be affected by the finalised plans and, if so, whether they will qualify for any of the compensation schemes.

It is important for those affected to seek expert advice with regard to compulsory purchases and/or compensation.  If you have any questions or would like any information, please contact our HS2 team here at Roger Hannah.

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