Empty Property Rates

T: 0161 518 8675

E: la@roger-hannah.co.uk


Commercial property throughout the U.K is subject to Business Rates which is a tax on occupation and paid by the occupier. However, when a commercial property becomes vacant this tax still exists in the form of Empty Property Rates. The liability for this would then be enforced on the owner of the premises.

An initial period of 3 months relief is applied on empty properties once they first become vacant which is granted by Local Authorities. This is extended to 6 months if the property is industrial in nature.

Governing rules, legislation and regulation around the minefield of empty rates is complex and can prove to be a complicated issue for Landlord’s, Developers and Property Companies who wish to minimise the liability that empty rates pose.

It is therefore imperative that professional advice is sought and that a strategy is implemented which reflects the needs and requirements of the client.

At Roger Hannah we have considerable experience in assisting clients with mitigating their Empty Rates Liabilities and we detail below three potential steps which could be considered:

Temporary Occupation

  • We can develop a strategy allowing you to benefit from empty rates exemption periods with the potential to reduce your empty rates liability by 100%.

Beyond Economic Repair

  • This is a complex area of Rating Law and is commonly known as “Beyond Economic Repair”. A property which is vacant and in disrepair will still have a Rateable Value and therefore empty rates payable on the premises.

  • If disrepair exists, then an appeal can be lodged to delete the assessment from the Rating List which would also remove any empty rates liability.

  • We have a track record of successfully achieving reductions of 100% on such grounds.

Refurbishment / Redevelopment

  • Properties undergoing significant refurbishments / redevelopment should not be rateable for the duration of the works and scheme carried out.

  • We have vast experience and 100% success rate in dealing with this complex issue.

Business rates

Is your Rateable Value too high?

We can appeal on your behalf

Key contacts

Mark Keirl

MRICS Registered Valuer
  • Director

Andre Djanfada

MRICS Registered Valuer
  • Surveyor