Business Rates

T: 0161 518 8675



Business rates represent one of the largest overheads for businesses and a successful business rates appeal or a carefully devised rates mitigation scheme, can lead to substantial savings in the amount of rates you pay. Roger Hannah are rating specialists with a proven track record of successfully reducing rateable values throughout the UK.

We have saved our clients over £25m of business rates liability within the last 12 months.


Our dedicated and experienced business rates team can provide the following services:

  • Reviewing rateable values and determining grounds for appeal.

  • Challenging excessive assessments and securing reductions.

  • Providing representation at Valuation Tribunal hearings.

  • Providing advice to mitigate empty rates liability.

  • Identifying and securing reliefs and exemptions.

  • Securing rates reductions due to ‘Material Change of Circumstances’.

Key contacts

Mark Keirl

MRICS Registered Valuer
  • Director

Andre Djanfada

MRICS Registered Valuer
  • Surveyor