Compulsory Purchase, HS2
Second Reading of HS2 Phase One confirmed
The date for the second reading of the HS2 Phase One Hybrid Bill has been confirmed for the 28th April 2014. This is a vital date as it establishes the time when individuals, businesses and organisations may lodge petitions against specific aspects of the bill.

Those wishing to lodge petitions against the Bill and the Environmental Statement will have an opportunity of around 3-4 weeks to submit their petition by hand to the House of Commons.
Petitions cannot be against the principle of HS2 itself but must focus on specific aspects such as environmental habit impacts, inadequate compensation procedures and unnecessary land acquisition. Any aspect that is petitioned against requires the petitioner to include a proposed solution to any issue highlighted.
Once the period for lodging petitions is closed, those who have submitted a petition will be invited to appear in front of a House of Commons Committee. In order to lodge a petition there are a set of procedures to follow which are outlined on parliament’s website.
Should you be affected by compensation or compulsory purchase issues please do not hesitate to contact us.