Property Management
Property Management Looking to the Future
The end of 2015 marked a successful year for the Roger Hannah & Co Property Management Department. We brought in six new clients, increasing the total rent roll of managed property by over 10% and the size of our managed portfolio by over 15% to around 2.6 million square feet.
With our extensive property knowledge and ability to utilise the expertise from our in house departments such as ‘Building Surveying’, ‘Landlord and Tenant’ and ‘Agency’ we have helped both existing and new clients to increase their rental income by an average of 16% where renewals have been negotiated. One new Client, who has a nationwide portfolio where we were appointed in the late Summer, has already benefited from an increase of 15% in rents from two of their properties where a nil increase was anticipated by the client.
John Somerville, Director of Property Management commented:
“I strongly believe that we are better equipped than some of our competitors to deal with all types of property matters. We can quickly call upon our in house team of property surveyors to deal with Rent Reviews, Lease renewals, Dilapidation claims and both property disposals and acquisitions without the need for going to 3rd party advisers. With our combined expertise and ability we can provide all required information both quickly and efficiently.
Roger Hannah & Co Property Management Department are suited to deal with all Health & Safety requirements and repairs that are necessary to meet the needs of any prospective Tenants, to attain the best outcome for that property and our Clients, while maintaining practical performance to the maximum standard.
We are proud to offer the same level of service to all of our Clients, whether they are private individuals, family run or corporate with a portfolio of properties or one single property. I am looking forward to another year of working closely with our clients, focussing on maintaining and building on some of the successes from 2015.”

For information and advice on how Roger Hannah & Co can help to manage your property please contact: