Property Management
How is Property Management similar to an Orchestra?
Property Management
Property Management contains different teams or sections much like an orchestra has a Strings, Woodwind and Brass section.

Each person within the section has their own part to play, and their section leader oversees that to ensure everyone person plays their part in unison with the rest of the team. This can be through encouragement, coaching or practise.
Each individual section can play their parts in harmony, independently and complimentary of each other. However, it is the conductor or the orchestra, who knits each section together in a beautiful symphony. The conductor makes no sound, his role is vastly different. Whilst conducting with one hand, he is looking for the next score to write, or rehearse, towards the common goal of the performance for the Last Night of the Proms.
Property Management isn’t nearly as beautiful as an Orchestra but may in fact, be more closely resembled as a Brass Band (perhaps less understood but one of the more hotly contested of the ensembles) as it does have many similarities. As a bandsman knows other cornet players from different bands, a Property Management colleague knows Client Accountants from different Managing agents, by a gentle smile, nod or a wave as we cross the city to our next meeting until we meet again at the next quarter day club.
Although for us, our design is that we are all located in the same building merely feet away from each other which builds relationships and problem solving skills with colleagues in Property Management as a natural by product where we want to help one another, with a common objective in mind, to deliver a comprehensive service to our clients, tenants and contractors, in a collaborative and coordinated way.