Roger Hannah

Do I need a building survey?

When you’re considering buying a new property, there’s a question that will come up at some point: do I need a building survey? Depending on whom you ask, you’ll get a different answer, but at Roger Hannah & Co., we always advise that they are useful documents to have, if for no other reason than to give you peace of mind over the property you are considering.

However, a building survey can also help to alert you to problems that need to be resolved and could ensure you don’t choose a property that will cost you more money in the long run.

There are three types of surveys you can choose from, depending on the property you’re looking to buy. The first is a condition report, which is a very basic overview of the property and will point out any serious issues but won’t go into detail.

The second is a homebuyer’s report, and this is the most common type of survey. It’s used for new buildings and older properties in good condition and will provide more detail than a condition report, but it is still non-intrusive. If you have experience buying properties and don’t need the support of a full building survey, this is the best choice.

The third kind is a building survey, and this is the most thorough survey you can find, but it is also the most expensive. Old and unusual properties will normally need this kind of survey to make sure you have all the information needed.

Regardless of your choice, the survey can help ensure you are paying the right price for the property, and if work needs to be done, it can help you negotiate a lower price so this can be done after the purchase or the seller can carry out the work first.

At Roger Hannah & Co., we can help make sure you have all the information you need with a full building survey from our independent and qualified surveyors. Contact our team today to find out how we can help you find and choose the right property for your needs.

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