
T: 0161 518 8672



Dealing with the prospect of a CPO can be daunting; it’s not every day that you face the possibility of your property being compulsory acquired. It is therefore paramount that you obtain appropriate professional advice.

We regularly act for private land owners, businesses and individuals affected by compulsory purchase and can guide you through this complex process.

Having experience acting for scheme promoters and acquiring authorities not only means we understand the complexities of the process, but we also know their thought process.

As a claimant, you are entitled to have reasonable fees met by the acquiring authority. We seek fee undertakings at the outset to provide you with peace of mind.

What is the CPO process?

Business Claims

Businesses are entitled to a myriad of potential claims that make up their compensation entitlement with these claims collectively known as business disturbance. Claims include temporary and permanent loss of profits, adaptations, moving costs etc and they must be properly evidenced.


Roger Hannah act for a wide range of business types including manufacturers and service led businesses.  Proper advice is essential as claims can be significant.  We are also able to advise acquiring authorities in verifying claims submitted.

At Roger Hannah, we provide:

  • Clear advice covering valuation and compensation

  • Engagement with scheme promoters

  • Advice on how to maximise claims and mitigate loss

  • Preparation and submission of objections

  • Formulation of comprehensive compensation claim documents

  • Negotiation of compensation

  • Relocation advice

  • Business loss or extinguishment advice

  • Expert witness services at Public Inquiry and the Upper Tribunal

Key contacts

Simon Cook

BSc (Hons) MRICS
Registered Valuer
  • Managing Director

Key Contacts

Angela Juszczyk

Registered Valuer
  • Director

Key Contacts