Check, challenge and appeal

T: 0161 518 8675



The Business Rates appeals system for the 2023 Rating List is managed through a Government Gateway Registration.  There are three steps to the procedure known as Check, Challenge and Appeal.  These three stages are summarised below.

One: Check

  • This will require us to carefully verify all factual information pertaining to the property prior to any challenge against the assessment. Once we have submitted a “check” the Valuation Office (VO) have up to twelve months to consider it and respond.

Two: Challenge

  • Once the facts have been verified a detailed assessment, valuation, and ‘Statement of Case’ will have to be provided to the VO in order to challenge the Rateable Value. The VO will then issue a decision notice based on this. At this stage the decision notice may agree with the proposed valuation and reduce the assessment accordingly. The matter will then be finalised. However should the VO not agree there is the right to appeal to the Valuation Tribunal (VT).

Three: Appeal

  • An appeal to the Valuation Tribunal can only be lodged after a decision notice has been issued by the VO. If the case proceeds to appeal, you will have the opportunity to present your case to an independent panel and cross examine the VO case. A decision is then issued by the VT 28 days after proceedings.

Government Gateway Registration

The 2017 Business Rates revaluation saw a stark change in the appeal process.

Navigate the Gateway

Key contacts

Mark Keirl

MRICS Registered Valuer
  • Director

Key Contacts

Andre Djanfada

MRICS Registered Valuer
  • Surveyor

Key Contacts