Scheme Promoters

T: 0161 518 8672



We have in depth experience in working with public authorities to make schemes happen from inception to delivery.

We understand all aspects of compulsory purchase and our team has a track record of working alongside public authorities and developers to deliver both public schemes and large-scale developments. We advise our clients on the right strategy to adopt to achieve the desired results which can also include providing budgetary advice.

We also represent public authorities in one off problem compensation cases often involving Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) proceedings. This includes advising on unresolved cases and dealing with the matter on behalf of the public authority.

Our public authority clients include representing local authorities, International Airports and Utility Companies in the CPO process.

Our Compulsory Purchase team provides a comprehensive service to public authorities looking to make a CPO. These services include:

  • Advising on the extent that CPO powers should be used

  • Providing property budget estimates for a CPO

  • Advising on what properties should be included/ excluded from a CPO

  • Preparing statement of reasons in support of a CPO

  • Providing expert witness evidence and attending public inquiries

  • Liaising and communicating with affected parties

  • Negotiating the acquisition of properties and rights prior to a CPO

  • Negotiating with statutory objectors throughout the process

  • Acquiring properties and rights after the grant of CPO powers

  • Negotiating all aspects of compensation including business disturbance

  • Liaising with other professionals providing input to the process e.g. solicitors and forensic accountants.

  • Advising on making references to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber)

  • Preparing expert witness reports to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber)

  • Acting as expert witness at the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber)

  • Dealing with Part 1 claims following the opening of a scheme

Key contacts

Simon Cook

BSc (Hons) MRICS
Registered Valuer
  • Managing Director

Angela Juszczyk

Registered Valuer
  • Director