- Our Services
- Marketing & Disposal
Marketing & Disposal
T: 0161 518 8673
E: dev@roger-hannah.co.uk
We provide a structured and focussed marketing campaign through a competitive bidding process to maximise landowner returns.
We will manage the process and associated complexities, using our market knowledge and experience with developers, investors and other acquiring parties to generate value and meet the specific needs of our clients.
The preferred party will then be overseen through to the contract stage and any conditions in the contract monitored appropriately through to completion. Where appropriate and where further professional advice is required, we can support the client in assembling the wider team.

Our clients include:
Charities, schools & sports clubs: Unlocking surplus land to fund new capital projects, and managing the development process
Individual landowners: Landowners who benefit from landholdings with short, medium and long term development potential
Private, corporate, public sector and institutional landowners: Piecemeal disposal of surplus land and underutilised land with development potential
Developers: Selling sites which no longer meet strategic objectives
Insolvency: Working with administrators and receivers on disposal strategies