Development Consultancy

T: 0161 518 8673



As a market facing consultant, we provide tailored advice to range of clients to achieve their objectives at all stages throughout the development process.

Our clients include developers, landowners, Registered Providers, property companies and the public sector.

Our experience ranges from mixed use city centre schemes to suburban and rural housing land.

We have a team of dedicated experts, who often also work in larger multi-disciplinary project teams to assist with the delivery of development sites.

  • Viability Assessments: Site specific assessments of financial viability for planning applications for landowners, developers, house builders and Registered Providers

  • Viability Assessment Reviews: Independent review of viability assessments submitted by an applicant on behalf of local councils

  • Enabling Development: Assessment of viability associated with enabling development for community benefit, charity objectives. This can help to justify a particular scale, amount and type of development to provide particular facilities

  • Heritage Viability: options appraisals to assess the viability of potential schemes associated with heritage assets to retain the heritage asset where possible

  • Local Plan Representations: Representations to local plan evidence bases in respect of viability and housing mix

  • Strategic Development Advice: Provision of feasibility studies, delivery advice, disposal strategies, financial modelling, partnership agreements

  • Market Reports: Assessment of local market evidence to determine achievable the sales values for a proposed development

  • Option Agreements: Tailored valuation advice to assess the Market Value and associated Price as per the terms of an Option Agreement

  • Price Negotiations: Bespoke valuation and consultancy advice to assist with other price negotiations such as overage agreements, ransom positions and restrictive covenants

  • Expert Witness: Industry experts providing evidence and submissions for a range of purposes

Key contacts

Laura Mackay

Registered Valuer
  • Director

Angela Juszczyk

Registered Valuer
  • Director

Steve Smith

  • Director