Roger Hannah

Rugby World Cup 2015

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With the Rugby World Cup Kicking off this weekend and due to deliver a staggering £2.2 billion in revenue, research has revealed the 13 stadiums being used to host the tournament will pay a combined business rate bill of over £13 million this year.

Unsurprisingly, the highest payer is ‘Wembley Stadium’ at £3.05 million a year, followed by the home of rugby, ‘Twickenham Stadium’ at £2.17 million. Propping up the rear of the pack is Sandy Park in Exeter at £36,975.
The business rates payable are based on a multiplier of the rateable value of the stadiums, a combined £27 million, which is assessed by the valuation office.

If you require any assistance with your business rate assessment, please contact Roger Hannah & Co., the business rate experts.



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