Development / Office / Residential
40 Newbridge Lane
40 Newbridge Lane, Newbridge Lane, Stockport, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 2NA
For sale
Offers in excess ofSize
0.12 Acres
Key features
- Prominent Site Fronting New Bridge Lane, on the edge of Stockport Town Centre.
- 0.12 acres, with frontage to New Bridge Lane, Stanley Street and George Street.
- Planning Permission for a Six-Storey Residential Development Providing 27 One-and Two-Bedroom Apartments.
- Freehold
Full Planning Permission was granted in December 2022 (Application number: DC/082482) for the demolition of the existing office building and the erection of a six-storey residential development comprising 27 flats and associated landscaping.
Full details of the application can be found by clicking here and a copy of the design and access statement for the development can be provided to interested parties.
In addition, as part of the planning process, a Section 106 notice was agreed on 6 December 2022 with The Metropolitan Borough of Stockport. Further information can be provided on request.
The site is located on the east side of Stockport town centre, fronting Newbridge Lane in a mixed residential and commercial area.Stockport town centre is less than 10 minutes’ walk from the site and provides a shopping centre, along with numerous high street stores, cafes, bars, pubs, restaurants and marketplace.
The recently renovated Stockport Produce Hall is a popular destination offering food, drink and social events.
Stockport is situated 6 miles south of Manchester city centre and it the largest town in South Manchester with population of 294,800 people (2021 Census). The town is subject to an ongoing £1b transformation, led y Stockport Council.