Top of the Class
The Finance Team at Roger Hannah & Co Ltd have won the prestigious finance team of the year award at the ICAEW Manchester Accountancy & Finance Excellence Awards at the Lowry Hotel.

Speaking of the success, Andy Clifford, Finance and Operations Director, commented “I am delighted for the team. The Company has come a long way in the last 5 years, transforming from a traditional partnership to a strong incorporated business providing excellence to our clients in many property disciplines. They have adapted to rapid change and supported the 75% growth in turnover and 33% growth in employment the Company has seen over that time.
The journey started with achieving financial self-sufficiency and implementing the governance and disciplines you would expect from a progressive Company before developing strong cash management and business planning systems to move forward.
Taking Property Forward
The award is also recognition for Nicola and the finance team in our Property Management function who have implemented a leading edge IT system and associated governance to look after £16m of client funds and recover all monies clients are entitled to under their property assets. I would also like to thank Caroline Monk and the team at Beever and Struthers who have provided the necessary advice and support throughout”.

Receiving the award on behalf of the team, Dipen Mistry, Financial Controller, said “It was a great honour to accept this award for the Team. The Company has shown great desire to provide the necessary training and development required to be a successful finance team. They’ve helped me get chartered in my four years of working here and the support provided from the team has been brilliant. As we continue to grow as a business, this team will only get stronger and it’s great to be a part of it all”.