Roger Hannah enjoys Christmas with the Oasis Centre
The Oasis Centre is a small Manchester charity based in Gorton, helping the very vulnerable people who fall below the radar of most public services. Their goal is to work with people, providing them with food, education and support so that they can access the help that they need. The ultimate goal is to bring hope to lives which have often been misled or forgotten as a result of a wide range of very challenging living circumstances and personal difficulties.

The Oasis Centre is the chosen charity of Roger Hannah. We seek to provide practical support to The Oasis Centre in finding an alternative property, ongoing financial support and the giving of presents for all Oasis’ clients at their Christmas Party. Their Christmas Party also included the presentation, to the Oasis clients, of certificates for educational achievements including certificates for IT, English, Maths, Cookery etc. Oasis invited Simon Cook Director of Roger Hannah & Co to present the certificates.
Victoria Armstrong, founder and Director of The Oasis Centre said:
I first met Simon Cook a year ago, almost to the day! He came to my aid when I was seeking support and advice with our charities building project. In the last 12 months not only has Simon supported me on what seems like a ‘weekly basis’ but Simon and his wife Sue have become dear friends. Simon introduced me to the Roger Hannah team in the summer and I have been amazed by their love and support towards our project. We have been helped in so many ways through Roger Hannah this year. Through fundraising events, clothing donations for our charity shop and Christmas gifts for our clients, for some their only gift this year. Vulnerable lives have been significantly changed for the better through their support and I as the founder and director of The Oasis Centre have been deeply moved and encouraged. When a company decides to support a small local charity something remarkable takes place – everyone gets blessed!
The help doesn’t stop there; Roger Hannah will continue to regularly hold their clothes collection and think of new effective fund raising initiatives such as their ‘well liked’ in-house Auction for donated gifts with a colourful ‘dress down’ day taking place once a month, that together has raised almost £1,000 pounds in the run up to the Christmas period.
Roger Hannah are proud of their involvement and will continue to aid this charity in any way they can, in turn, helping The Oasis Centre support its clients with their humble service and much needed care.