Land & Development
Northamptonshire Residential Site Achieves Planning
Northamptonshire Residential Site Achieves Planning
Roger Hannah & Co has been successful in guiding a development opportunity through planning to achieve full consent for seven residential units in Brackley, Northamptonshire. Planning was submitted in November 2015 for the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment comprising of 7 dwellings with associated landscaping and parking. Full information is available on the South Northamptonshire Council planning portal reference S/2015/2758/FUL. Also through successful negotiations Roger Hannah & Co have secured zero s106 contributions and affordable housing requirements on the development.
The application site, edged red, measures approx. 0.43 hectares (1.07 acres). The majority of the site was formerly in use as a commercial wood yard and as such, this is a brownfield site. The site also comes with a further 3 acres of land with potential development scope once flooding issues have been resolved.
The site is now offered for sale as a whole on an unconditional basis a guide price of £750,000.
For more information please contact Alex Isles.