Compulsory Purchase, HS2
HS2 Limited Autumn Update

Last week HS2 Limited issued a series of progress updates for sections of the route, principally for Phase 1 (London to Birmingham) but also for Phase 2 (Birmingham to Leeds / Manchester and beyond). Click the following link for the specific updates:
In terms of progress, HS2 Limited has confirmed that they are working toward having formal planning consent for Phase 1 and Royal Assent to the Hybrid Bill by 2016. Key points from the updates for Phase 1 include:
Redevelopment of Euston Station which will come in three stages, the first being the development of six new platforms and concourse to support Phase 1 and will open by 2026. A further five platforms and concourse to serve Phase 2 will open by 2033. The final stage will be the redevelopment of the existing station. This will be subject to planning and future funding.
In July 2015, following consultation, amendments to the route of Phase 1 were submitted to Parliament within “Additional Provisions 2”. These changes include extended tunnelling within the Chilterns and more design to proposed viaducts. Further amendments have now been submitted in September 2015 under “Additional Provisions 3”. These amendments principally revolve around changes in and around Euston Station.
With regard to the route for Phase 2, no new information has been made within these updates, albeit the Government intends to make further announcements later in the year. It is anticipated that plans will follow a similar parliamentary process to Phase 1.
In terms of the route for Phase 2, Crewe remains the preferred location for a strategic transport centre, whilst in the East Midlands a new station in Toton to the South West of Nottingham is proposed. Further stations are proposed at Sheffield Meadowhall and within Leeds City Centre.
Roger Hannah & Co has a dedicated team which specialises in compulsory purchase matters, including the provision advice on compensation packages being proposed by HS2 Limited. If you wish to discuss your particular circumstances and how Roger Hannah & Co can assist, please give us a call on 0161 817 3399.