Compulsory Purchase
Final Piece of Jigsaw Negotiated to Facilitate Energy Park Development
Acting for the final landowner required to secure access, Roger Hannah has successfully negotiated a settlement which unlocks the development of a 625 acre site. The deal sees the culmination of negotiations which have been ongoing for a number of years.
Through careful management and extensive dialogue, Roger Hannah were able to reach an agreement with the developer in advance of a Compulsory Purchase Order being confirmed.
Angela Juszczyk, Director at Roger Hannah comments “this was a complex negotiation which had become unnecessarily protracted and where the relationship between the parties had become quite fraught. Perhaps more than anything, this case demonstrates the importance of having the right professional team in place and employing the correct strategy to secure a successful outcome”.

If you are affected by a compulsory purchase order or seeking to acquire land to facilitate a wider development, our team at Roger Hannah can assist.