Reforming Compulsory Purchase Process and Compensation: A Push for Efficiency, Fairness and Faster Delivery

By Sue Long

The Government has recently concluded a consultation on reforms to the compulsory purchase process and compensation practices, aimed at streamlining the system, reducing costs, and improving fairness, all while facilitating the progression of essential infrastructure projects. Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) enable public authorities to acquire private property or land for projects deemed to benefit the…

A Day in the Life of a Compulsory Purchase Surveyor

By Michael Tolan

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be Compulsory Purchase Surveyor? Compulsory Purchase is a mystery to some, but here we will give you an insight into what a typical day is like on Roger Hannah’s CPO team.

St Helens set for Regeneration Transformation

By Simon Cook

St Helens Borough Council and the English Cities Fund (ECF) are bringing forward ambitious plans to transform St Helens town centre via what they describe as a once-in-a-lifetime regeneration project. The Council is working on a 20-year regeneration plan for the Borough with the English Cities Fund, a strategic joint venture between Muse, Legal & General, and Homes England. 

Mottram Moor Link Road & A57 Link Road


What is the Compulsory Purchase Order Process?


Most people associate a compulsory purchase order (CPO) with the letter that will be sent out to landowners informing them of the plans to acquire their land. However, the CPO process begins long before contact is made with the landowner, as a CPO is always considered a last resort.

Key Issues Affecting Acquiring Authorities


Objecting to a CPO


The Cheshire Lounge

By jbc_admin

Today I appeared as a contributor to CPO Talking Heads in a discussion about the Upper Tribunal decision in The Cheshire Lounge case (Castlefield vs National Highways 2023). I acted as the expert witness in the case on behalf of the Claimant. This opinion piece is hopefully written with a degree of knowledge and understanding…

Claims for Disturbance – The Importance of Supporting Evidence

By jbc_admin

The principles of compensation are governed by the Compensation Code. One of the main principles within the Compensation Code is that of “equivalence”, i.e. a claimant should be placed in no better or worse position (in financial terms) after the acquisition than they were prior to the acquisition. Therefore, in addition to the value of…

What can we learn from recently rejected CPOs?

By jbc_admin

A CPO not being confirmed is an unusual occurrence, so two high profile CPOs rejected within 4 months of each other could be a wakeup call for many. Vicarage Field CPO in Barking was rejected in October last year, then followed by the refusal of the Nicholson Quarter redevelopment scheme in Maidenhead. What can be…