Business Rates Revaluation April 2023

By jbc_admin

Over the last 2 weeks the Business Rates Team at Roger Hannah have inspected over 2 million sq ft of client property advising upon both the 2017 and 2023 rating lists and helping them to secure savings. The 2017 rating list will close on 31 March 2023, any business wishing to challenge their assessment must…

Business rates rebate as Covid-19 triggers a surge in appeals

By jbc_admin

Offices have been hit hard by Covid-19 pandemic with many remaining shut. With a fifth of all UK properties liable for business rates being offices around 150,000 occupiers have already appealed their business rates assessments based on the impact of Covid-19 having a devastating effect stopping offices functioning normally with the Government urging staff to…

A millstone hanging round the developer’s neck

By jbc_admin

Acting on behalf of the owners of a large derelict mill building in Manchester Roger Hannah have successfully appealed the rateable value reducing this to £0 backdated to April 2017. In what is an extremely complex area of Rating Law, our team have successfully argued and won on appeal saving the client more than £250,000…

Landlords: Do You Need Help with Empty Property Rates

By jbc_admin

Whilst the Government have recently introduced a raft of aid for occupiers of commercial property there has been nothing to help Landlords who have vacant property with little prospect of an early letting. When a commercial property becomes vacant the liability for the business rates is passed back to the owner of the premises after…

Business Rates Help for Those in Need

By jbc_admin

The Business Rates team at Roger Hannah have been busy advising concerned clients and occupiers within the industrial, retail and office sectors as the ongoing Coronavirus Emergency develops and a countrywide lockdown of the UK and business continues. Our team can assist clients with applications for empty rates and Section 44A relief amongst other measures…

Dilapidations – Advice for Tenants

By jbc_admin

  Tenants are already faced with substantial business premises occupancy costs such as rents and rates, and then, usually at the end of their occupational Lease they are served with a schedule of dilapidations; the other bane of commercial property occupation.  Dilapidations are breaches of covenant for which a business tenant is liable under terms…

Dilapidations advice for tenants

By Neil O'Brien

Tenants are already faced with substantial business premises occupancy costs such as rents and rates, and then, usually at the end of their occupational Lease they are served with a schedule of dilapidations; the other bane of commercial property occupation.


By jbc_admin

Believe it or not, the next important date in the business rates cycle is less than 6 months away! When the 2015 Rating Revaluation was postponed to 2017 it was as daunting as it was unprecedented in the modern system. 5 yearly revaluation cycles have been the norm since 1990. Fast forward to the present…


By jbc_admin

RATING: VALUATION AND NEGOTIATION – (Art/ Science and Communication…time to relax CCA (Check, Challenge, Appeal) The valuation of property is never purely a science. Few properties could ever be described as identical and so it follows that the same valuation evidence cannot be applied directly to many properties without some form of adjustment and realistic…

1 Year On from the 2017 Rating Revaluation – “CHECK, CHALLENGE, APPEAL” & the Spring Statement

By jbc_admin

Business Rates seem to have been rarely out of the news over the past 12 months, often being seen as a contentious tax at the root of several high profile retailers downfall and the slow death of the High Street. However, this is too simplistic. The landscape of the high street and retail trends have…