Compulsory Purchase
A556 Knutsford to Bowdon Road Improvement CPO

Roger Hannah & Co has been appointed to act for a substantial landowner with regard to the construction of a section of the A556 trunk road between Knutsford and Bowdon to create a dual carriageway road. The existing A556 will be made into a single carriageway road with facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.
The new dual carriageway section will dissect the land belonging to a Grade II Listed country house and will reduce the size of the estate by approximately 25%. Part of the retained land will be on the opposite side of the new road and the proximity of the road will have a detrimental effect on the value of the property.
It is imperative that a CPO does not undermine a claimant’s occupation of their property and that any disturbance is kept to a minimum. Roger Hannah & Co is acting for their client to obtain the best possible compensation which, in this case, can be broken down into two elements. The first area of compensation relates to the Market Value of the land taken and the second element relates to additional compensation referred to as disturbance. This covers matters not associated with Market Value, such as injurious affection, severance, loss payment and professional fees. In this particular case, injurious affection will form the largest head of claim as the proposed road will inevitably have a major detrimental impact on the value of the retained property.