Building & Project Consultancy
10 year PPM on renowned 8 acre site
Manchester High School for Girls (MHSG)
MHSG is set over an 8-acre site, consisting of open green fields and c12 buildings all differing in forms of construction and style. The main buildings date as early as 1874 exemplifying striking Victorian features, progressing to recently constructed classrooms utilising modern methods and materials.

MHSG, like many other Schools, Academies and Sixth Forms throughout the country, had available capital to maintain and improve their building stock. However, prior to making any refurbishments, firstly the Estates Team needed to recognise the condition of their existing buildings, allowing them to understand any challenging areas that should be addressed prior to any generalised maintenance procedure.
Roger Hannah were commissioned to survey the internal and external elements of the building fabric throughout the entire site. Within a couple of days, we prepared a fully costed PPM schedule that identifies a comprehensive plan of capital spending over the next 10 years to improve the quality of their stock. Some of the elements that were surveyed and recorded included:
- General hardstandings
- Car park surfaces
- External steps & ramps
- Boundary walls & fences
- Roof coverings
- Rainwater goods
- External windows, doors & wall structures
- Decoration
- Ceiling finishes
- Internal doors & Fire doors
- Floor finishes
- M&E installations
- General fixtures & fittings
We were asked if we could further accommodate the School by undertaking the multiple Schedules of Condition surveys (integral to formulating a thorough PPM Schedule) out of school hours so as to not disrupt the student’s lessons of the day. To satisfy this request, we started very early on site at around 5am, 4 hours before the students started their day. Our dedicated Building Consultancy team were then able to access all internal teaching rooms over a two-day survey, without interruption to classes. The rest of the working day was filled by surveying the external areas.
Planned Preventative Maintenance Schedules (PPMs) are a key service within the Building & Project Consultancy team at Roger Hannah and are vital to maintain and improve a building with considerations to capital spend over an extended and acceptable period.
Are you a School, 6th Form, Academy or College with available capital and wish to understand the best course of action, or perhaps you seek funding, speak to our dedicated Chartered Building Surveyors direct.