Lease Regearing & Restructuring

T: 0161 518 8675



If you are an occupant and need greater flexibility to meet your business needs, then there may be the opportunity to renegotiate certain terms in your lease to improve this.

If you are a landlord, the terms of your tenant’s existing lease may not optimise your property’s investment value and there may be scope for a renegotiation of terms to improve this.

We provide strategic advice to both landlords and tenants on the regearing, restructuring or renegotiating of a commercial lease. This will include the variation or the terms of a lease, removal of onerous lease clauses or incorporation of lease provisions to allow you to better achieve your occupational or investment objectives.

Key contacts

Mark Keirl

MRICS Registered Valuer
  • Director

Key Contacts

Joe Wilkinson

MRICS Registered Valuer
  • Associate Director

Key Contacts