
Providing professional services across the full range of property types, we deliver solutions to meet your future business needs.

Property is a necessary aspect for most businesses, but where property it is not the main focus of the organisation it can add additional complexities which require thought and time.

In this scenario, let our experts provide the answers to your property issues. Providing a wealth of experience, we advise on a vast array of property issues including business rate challenges, dilapidation negotiations, leasing and rent review.

Helping you pro-actively prepare for the future, we can critically assess your business challenges and make your decision making easier.

Key contacts

Dan Rodgers

  • Head of Agency

Neil O’Brien

  • Director

Andrew Sutcliffe

BSc (Hons) MRICS
  • Head of Property Management | Director

Mark Keirl

MRICS Registered Valuer
  • Director