One of the worst things that you could encounter as a property owner is if you are issued a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO). If you have been affected by this in any way, then fear not, as you have the right to make an appeal or at least receive fair compensation , but in order to make this successful, you need to bring forward sufficient evidence. In general, people who have been issued with CPOs will choose to seek out the help of Property specialists, who can then discuss further what their rights are in the matter.
In order to issue a compulsory purchase order, a company must explain how this development will be in the public interest and prove that it is significantly important to warrant this compulsory purchase, but if you feel this isn’t the case, then you shouldn’t have to suffer in silence. With the right help, you could ensure that you have a fair and equal opportunity to protest any CPO which could be deemed as unfair or unreasonable.
What is a Compulsory Purchase Order?
A compulsory purchase order is a piece of legal paperwork which allows a company or body to obtain land without the permission of the titleholder. These are generally issued for major infrastructure developments such as highways and train lines, but before they are issued, residents or businesses must be given a reasonable amount of time to vacate their land and acquire new premises In addition to this, they must also provide residents and businesses with a reasonable purchase price for their property and any additional compensation to cover the cost of relocation and other such things of that nature.
Will I be able to seek out help if I am issued with a CPO?
If you have been placed in the unfortunate position of being issued with a CPO and you are unsure of what steps to take, then fortunately there are a number of routes you could look into that could result in you receiving compensation. Here at Roger Hannah & Co., we understand how stressful and difficult this time can be and this can lead you to become disillusioned, which may result in you not making the most of your claim.
Thanks to our highly qualified team of experts, we can help make the process run as smoothly as possible and ensure that you receive a fair amount of compensation which reflects your circumstances. If you are interested in our help, please go to our Compulsory Purchase Page and get in touch. We can provide you with high-quality advice on the legal ramifications and valuations.